If you have sent a request through Our Booking link on this website with all your information we will get back to you via text or phone call as soon as we can. We are receiving a high volume of messages and calls from all our social media platforms at the moment, we kindly ask for your patience.
Our Curb Paintings typically last over 3+ years. We do recommend adding a clear coat protective to your curb painting every 6 months. Simply wipe down your curb with DAWN* and water and add a RUSTOLEUM* clear spray paint over to seal and shine the curb once again. There are curbs that we have done over 4+ years ago still looking great!
Driveway Arts has been in business since 2008. It started as a family summer side job to earn some extra cash. We quickly realized the importance that these services have in our communities and dedicated our time to perfecting them.
Curb Painting is legal, although there are some areas/cities that have their own regulations, we suggest you contact your city to find out more information. We do have licenses and permits for some cities that require them. Many cities allow you to paint, or to contract someone to paint your curb, they dont have a problem with it as long as the numbers are legible and the logos are non-offensive.
For our classic curb painting we take about 10 to 15 minutes from start to finish. For our more elaborate designs we typically take no more than an hour.
© 2024, Driveway Arts - All Rights Reserved.